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Index: C
- calendar
: (see date)
- case
- consistency of
: 22.7.4. Ensure Case Consistency of Parameters
- INITCAP function
: 11.1.4. The INITCAP function
- LOWER function
: 11.1.7. The LOWER function
- and readability
: 3.1.2. Using Case to Aid Readability
- sensitivity
- 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- 2.3. Literals
- UPPER function
: 11.1.16. The UPPER function
- CAST procedure
- object views and
: 20.1. Example: Using Object Views
- CAST pseudo-function
: 19.5.2. The CAST Pseudo-function
- casting collections
: Casting a named collection
: (see Cooperative Development Environment)
- CEIL (ceiling) function
: 13.1.6. The CEIL function
- century
: (see date)
- CHANGE procedure
: C.5.2. The CHANGE procedure
- CHAR datatype
- 2.3. Literals
- The CHAR datatype
- converting to VARCHAR2
: The VARCHAR2 and VARCHAR datatypes
- converting to/from ROWID
- 14.2.1. The CHARTOROWID function
- 14.2.5. The ROWIDTOCHAR function
- with LENGTH function
: 11.1.6. The LENGTH function
- character datatypes,
in overloaded modules
: 15.8.4. Restrictions on Overloading
- character functions
: 11. Character Functions
- character sets
: 14.2.2. The CONVERT function
- characters
- adding to strings
: 11.1.11. The RPAD function
- converting to numbers, package for
: 17.8.7. Recursive Processing in a SQL Statement
- datatypes for
: 4.2.3. Character Datatypes
- extracting from strings
: 11.1.14. The SUBSTR function
- NLS datatypes for
: 4.2.6. NLS Character Datatypes
- replacing in strings
- 11.1.10. The REPLACE function
- 11.1.15. The TRANSLATE function
- stripping from strings
- 11.1.12. The RTRIM function
- 11.1.9. The LTRIM function
- word wrap
: 11.2.2. Implementing Word Wrap for Long Text
- CHARSETFORM property
- CHARSETID property
- CHARTOROWID function
: 14.2.1. The CHARTOROWID function
- checking for NULL values
: 4.3.2. Checking for NULL Values
- child block
: (see nested blocks)
- child records
: (see records)
- CHR function
: 11.1.2. The CHR function
- class instances
: Classification
- classes
: (see object types)
- classification of objects
: Classification
- clearing tables
: 10.7. Clearing the PL/SQL Table
- client-side SQL
: 25.3.3. Avoid Client-Side SQL
- CLOB datatype
- Large object support
- The CLOB datatype
- EMPTY_CLOB function
: 13.2.3. The EMPTY_CLOB function
- clock
: (see time)
- CLOSE statement
- (see also cursors)
- 6.2.2. Cursor Operations
- 6.8. Closing Cursors
- CLOSE_CURSOR procedure
: C.14.3. The CLOSE_CURSOR procedure
: C.12.1. The CLOSE_DATABASE_LINK procedure
- closing cursors
: 6.8. Closing Cursors
- code
- compiled, tuning access to
: 25.2. Tuning Access to Compiled Code
- critical, pinning into SGA
: 25.2.2. Pin Critical Code into the SGA
- encrypting
: 23.7. Encrypting Stored Code
- memory-based architecture
: 23.1.3. Memory-Based Architecture of PL/SQL Code
- procedural, avoiding
: 25.3.5. Avoid Procedural Code When Possible
- repetetive
: (see redundancy)
- reusing
: 1.7.1. Write as Little Code as Possible
- shared, executing
: 23.1. Executing Stored Code
- structuring of
: 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
- style of
: 1.7.4. Standardize Your PL/SQL Development Environment
- testing
: 24.2.5. Change and Test One Area of Code at a Time
- coding
: 1.2. The Concept of Programming in Oracle Applications
- analyzing size of
: 23.6.3. Analyzing the Size of PL/SQL Code
- anticipating errors
: (see exceptions)
- avoiding repetitive
: 22.3. Take Full Advantage of Local Modularization
- comments in
: (see comments)
- considering parameter case
: 22.7.4. Ensure Case Consistency of Parameters
- creating independent modules
: 22.5. Create Independent Modules
- cross-referencing source code
: 23.6.5. Cross-Referencing Source Code
- in databases
: 23. Managing Code in the Database
- documenting
: 24.2.6. Document and Back Up Your Efforts
- errors
: (see errors; exceptions)
- finding strings in
: 23.6.4. Displaying and Searching Source Code
- hints for effective
- 1.5. Advice for Oracle Programmers
- 3. Effective Coding Style
- Drawbacks of implicit conversions
- 22. Code Design Tips
- commenting
: 3.6. Using Comments Effectively
- exception handling
: 8.10. RAISE Nothing but Exceptions
- IF statements
: 5.1.4. Nested IF Statements
- loops
: 7.7. Tips for PL/SQL Loops
- nested records
: 9.7.1. Example of Nested Records
- parameters
: 22.7. Tips for Parameter Design
- records
: Leaner, cleaner code
- increasing readability of code
: Improving the readability of your program
- layout of
: 3.1. Fundamentals of Effective Layout
- recursive processing
: 17.8.7. Recursive Processing in a SQL Statement
- removing unused variables
: 4.7.6. Remove Unused Variables from Programs
- sequential processing
: 17.8.6. Sequential Processing Against a Column's Value
- simplifying logic with variables
: 4.7.9. Use Variables to Hide Complex Logic
- testing programs
: 2.5.2. Multiline Comment Syntax
- collections
- adding/removing elements from
: 19.4.3. Adding and Removing Elements
- built-in methods for
: 19.6. Collection Built-Ins
- casting
: Casting a named collection
- choosing which kind to use
: 19.9. Which Collection Type Should I Use?
- collection variables
- Collection variables
- 19.4.1. Initializing Collection Variables
- comparing
: 19.4.4. Comparing Collections
- creating
: 19.2. Creating the New Collections
- data dictionary entries for
: 19.8.2. Data Dictionary
- declaring as datatype
: 19.2.2. Collections in PL/SQL
- index-by tables
: (see index-by tables)
- nested tables
: (see nested tables)
- passing arguments of
: 19.8.3. Call by Reference or Call by Value
- PL/SQL-to-server integration example
: 19.7. Example: PL/SQL-to-Server Integration
- privileges
: 19.8.1. Privileges
- pseudo-functions
: 19.5. Collection Pseudo-Functions
- types of
: 19.1. Types of Collections
: (see VARRAYs)
- COLUMN_VALUE procedure
: C.14.4. The COLUMN_VALUE procedure
- columns
- (see also records)
- 9.1.1. Different Types of Records
- abbreviations for
: 3.2. Formatting SQL Statements
- aliases for
- 3.2. Formatting SQL Statements
- 6.7. Column Aliases in Cursors
- 9.3.2. Setting the Record's Column Names
- BFILE, initializing
: 13.2.1. The BFILENAME function
- choosing for cursor-based record
: 9.3.1. Choosing Columns for a Cursor Record
- collections as
: Collection as a "column" in a conventional table
- collections as datatypes for
: 19.1. Types of Collections
- names for
: 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
- naming procedure
: 17.6. Column/Function Name Precedence
- objects for
: 18.1.2. Some Simple Examples
- VALUE operator with
- partial values of
: 17.8.5. GROUP BY Partial Column Values
- represented by variables
: 4.7.7. Use %TYPE When a Variable Represents a Column
- sequential processing against value
: 17.8.6. Sequential Processing Against a Column's Value
- synchronization with
: Synchronization with database columns
- where OIDS are stored
: Object identifiers (OIDs)
- COMMA_TO_TABLE procedure
: C.16.2. The COMMA_TO_TABLE procedure
- COMMENT keyword
: 6.1.1. The COMMIT Statement
- comments
- associated with transactions
: 6.1.1. The COMMIT Statement
- describing parameters
: 22.7.1. Document All Parameters and Their Functions
- encrypted code and
: 23.7.3. Impact of Encrypting Code
- symbols for
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- using effectively
: 3.6. Using Comments Effectively
- COMMIT procedure
- (see also DBMS_PIPE)
- C.15.4. The COMMIT procedure
- COMMIT statement
- 6.1.1. The COMMIT Statement
- 6.11.1. Releasing Locks with COMMIT
- COMMIT_COMMENT procedure
: C.15.5. The COMMIT_COMMENT procedure
- COMMIT_FORCE procedure
: C.15.6. The COMMIT_FORCE procedure
- Companion Utilities Guide
: A. What's on the Companion Disk?
- COMPARE function
: C.6.2. The COMPARE function
- comparing
- collections
: 19.4.4. Comparing Collections
- with NULL
: 4.3. NULLs in PL/SQL
- objects
: 18.3.6. Comparing Objects
- records
: 9.1.6. Comparing Two Records
- strings
- The VARCHAR2 and VARCHAR datatypes
- 11.1.13. The SOUNDEX function
- comparison methods
: 18.3.1. About Object Types
- compilation
- automatic
: 23.3.1. Interdependencies of Stored Objects
- errors, viewing
: 23.5.4. Viewing Compilation Errors in SQL*Plus
- manual
: 23.3.1. Interdependencies of Stored Objects
- of modules
: 4.5.2. Anchoring at Compile Time
- COMPILE_SCHEMA procedure
: C.16.3. The COMPILE_SCHEMA procedure
- compiler constructs
: (see pragmas)
- compiling
- forced
: 20.7.3. Forcing Compilation
- package specifications
: 1.7.3. Center All Development Around Packages
- compound symbols
: (see symbols)
- CONCAT function
- 4.3.3. Function Results with NULL Arguments
- 11.1.3. The CONCAT function
- concatenation (||) operator
- 4.3.3. Function Results with NULL Arguments
- 11.1.3. The CONCAT function
- concatenation, string
- 4.3.3. Function Results with NULL Arguments
- 11.1.3. The CONCAT function
- conditional control structures
: 5. Conditional and Sequential Control
- formatting
: 3.3. Formatting Control Structures
- conditional loops
: (see loops)
- constants
: (see literals; named constants; variables)
- constrained datatypes
- 4.4.1. Constrained Declarations
- 4.6. Programmer-Defined Subtypes
- 4.6.3. Emulating Constrained Subtypes
- constructor methods
- PL/SQL usage
- 18.3.1. About Object Types
- Constructors
- constructors,
initializing collections
: Initializing with a constructor
- control structures,
: (see loops)
- conventions, naming
: 4.7.1. Establish Clear Variable Naming Conventions
- conversion
- and format models
: 14.1. Conversion Formats
- functions for
: 14. Conversion Functions
- implicit
: 14. Conversion Functions
- CONVERT function
- C.7.2. The CONVERT function
- 14.2.2. The CONVERT function
- converting
- between datatypes
: 4.2.8. Conversion Between Datatypes
- datatypes
- external procedures and
: 21.4.1. Datatype Conversion
- performance and
: 25.4.7. Avoid Type Conversions When Possible
- explicitly versus implicitly
: Explicit data conversions
- to/from hexadecimal
: 14.2.3. The HEXTORAW function
- to row numbers
: 10.5.1. Automatic Conversion of Row Number Expressions
- triggers to procedures
: 25.3.7. Keep Database Triggers Small
- variables to named constants
: 4.7.5. Convert Variables into Named Constants
- Cooperative Development Environment (CDE)
: 1.2. The Concept of Programming in Oracle Applications
- COPY procedure
: C.6.3. The COPY procedure
- correlated subqueries
: 17.8.3. Replacing Correlated Subqueries
- correlation variables
: REFs
- COS function
: 13.1.7. The COS function
- COSH function
: 13.1.8. The COSH function
- COUNT function
- The COUNT function
- 19.6.1. COUNT
- counted loops
: (see numeric FOR loops)
- counting substring occurrences
: 11.2.4. Counting Substring Occurrences in Strings
- CREATE command
: 23.5.1. Creating Stored Objects
: Working with BFILEs
- 21.2.3. Step 3: Issue CREATE LIBRARY Statement
- 21.3.1. CREATE LIBRARY: Creating the External Procedure Library
: 23.5.3. Changing Stored Objects
- CREATE TYPE BODY statement
: 18.3.3. CREATE TYPE BODY: Creating a Body
- CREATE TYPE command
: 19.2. Creating the New Collections
- CREATE TYPE ... AS OBJECT statement
: Collection as an attribute of an object type
- CREATE TYPE statement
: 18.3.2. CREATE TYPE and DROP TYPE: Creating and Dropping Types
- CREATE VIEW statement
: 20.3.1. CREATE VIEW: Creating an Object View
- CREATE_QUEUE procedure
: C.3.2.3. The CREATE_QUEUE procedure
: C.3.2.1. The CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE procedure
- cursor FOR loops
: 7.4. The Cursor FOR Loop
- formatting
: 3.3.2. Formatting Loops
- premature termination of
: Premature FOR loop termination
- records in
: 7.4.2. The Cursor FOR Loop Record
- scope of
: Scope in FOR loops
- CURSOR statement
: 6.4. Declaring Cursors
- cursor variables
- aliases for
: Cursor variable aliases
- as arguments
: 6.12.7. Passing Cursor Variables as Arguments
- attributes of
: 6.12.2. Similarities to Static Cursors
- scope of
: Scope of cursor object
: 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
- cursors
: 6.2. Cursors in PL/SQL
- attributes of
: 6.9. Cursor Attributes
- for cursor variables
: 6.12.2. Similarities to Static Cursors
: 6.9.1. The %FOUND Attribute
- 6.5. Opening Cursors
- 6.9.4. The %ISOPEN Attribute
- 6.6.2. Fetching Past the Last Row
- 6.9.2. The %NOTFOUND Attribute
: 6.9.3. The %ROWCOUNT Attribute
- closing
: 6.8. Closing Cursors
- column aliases in
: 6.7. Column Aliases in Cursors
- corresponding to records
: 9.1.4. Guidelines for Using Records
- cursor variables
- Cursor variables
- 6.2.1. Types of Cursors
- 6.12. Cursor Variables
- restrictions on
: 6.12.8. Cursor Variable Restrictions
- database access based on
: Cursor-based access to the database
- declaring
: 6.4. Declaring Cursors
- in packages
: 16.3.2. Declaring Package Cursors
- examples of using
: 6.13. Working with Cursors
- explicit
- 1.7.4. Standardize Your PL/SQL Development Environment
- 6.2.1. Types of Cursors
- 6.3.3. Explicit Cursors
: 9.5.3. FETCH INTO from an Explicit Cursor
- explicit, fetching from
: 1.7.2. Synchronize Program and Data Structures
- fetching from
: 6.6. Fetching from Cursors
- FOR loops for
- 1.6.4. The cursor FOR loop
- 1.7.1. Write as Little Code as Possible
- group functions in
: Inefficiency of group functions in cursors
- identifier precedence
: 6.4.3. Identifier Precedence in a Cursor
- implicit
- 1.7.4. Standardize Your PL/SQL Development Environment
- 6.2.1. Types of Cursors
- 6.3.1. Implicit Cursors
- 6.9. Cursor Attributes
- 6.9.5. Implicit SQL Cursor Attributes
: 9.5.2. SELECT INTO from an Implicit Cursor
- naming
: 6.4.1. The Cursor Name
- opening
- 6.2.2. Cursor Operations
- 6.5. Opening Cursors
- 6.10.2. Opening Cursors with Parameters
- parameters of
: 6.10. Cursor Parameters
- records based on
: 9.3. Cursor-Based Records
- RETURN statement
: 6.4.4. The Cursor RETURN Clause
- scope of
: Cursor scope
: 6.11. SELECT FOR UPDATE in Cursors
- specifying in packages
: 16.3. The Package Specification
- static
: 6.2.1. Types of Cursors
- variables in
: 6.4.2. PL/SQL Variables in a Cursor
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