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Index: L
- label delimeters (>)
: 5.2.1. The GOTO Statement
- labels
: 5.2.1. The GOTO Statement
- delimiters for (>)
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- for loops
: 7.6.1. Loop Labels
- and loop scope
: Scope with labels
- labels for blocks
: 15.3.6. Block Labels
- large objects
: (see LOBs)
- LAST function
- 10.8.2. PL/SQL Table Built-ins
- The LAST function
- 19.6.5. FIRST, LAST
- LAST_DAY function
: 12.1.2. The LAST_DAY function
: C.14.10. The LAST_ERROR_POSITION function
- LAST_ROW_COUNT function
: C.14.11. The LAST_ROW_COUNT function
- LAST_ROW_ID function
: C.14.12. The LAST_ROW_ID function
: C.14.13. The LAST_SQL_FUNCTION_CODE function
- LEAST function
: 13.3.3. The LEAST function
- LENGTH function
: 11.1.6. The LENGTH function
- LENGTH property
- 21.4.1. Datatype Conversion
- LENGTH property
- less than (<=) operator
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- lexical units, PL/SQL
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- libraries
: 21.3.3. DROP: Dropping Libraries
- LIMIT function
: 19.6.6. LIMIT
- line breaks
: (see whitespace)
- line number, finding code for
: 23.6.6. Finding the Code for a Line Number
- listener for external procedures
: 21.2.1. Step 1: Set Up the Listener
- literals
- 2.3. Literals
- 4.7.4. Use Named Constants to Avoid Hardcoding Values
- A package of magic values
- strings
: (see strings)
- LN function
: 13.1.11. The LN function
- LOBs (large object datatypes)
: Large object support
- functions for
: 13.2. LOB Function Descriptions
- LOBs (large objects)
: 4.2.7. LOB Datatypes
- datatypes for
: 4.2.7. LOB Datatypes
- DMBS_LOB package for
: C.6. DBMS_LOB (PL/SQL8 Only)
- LONG datatypes and
: LOBs and LONGs
- local modules
- 1.7.1. Write as Little Code as Possible
- 15.7. Local Modules
- 22.3. Take Full Advantage of Local Modularization
- forward declarations of
: 15.9. Forward Declarations
- scope of
: 15.7.5. Scope of Local Modules
- local variables
- objects for
: 18.1.2. Some Simple Examples
- performance and
: 25.4.3. Rely on Local Variables to Improve Performance
- local variables, normalizing
: Normalization of local variables
: C.15.17. The LOCAL_TRANSACTION_ID function
- LOCK TABLE statement
: 6.1.5. The LOCK TABLE Statement
- locking records
6.11. SELECT FOR UPDATE in Cursors
- with DBMS_LOCK
: (see DBMS_LOCK package)
- locking tables
: (see table locks)
- LOG function
: 13.1.12. The LOG function
- logical datatype
: (see Boolean datatype)
- logical structure
: 3.1.1. Revealing Logical Structure with Indentation
- LOGIN_DENIED exception
: 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
- LONG columns
: The LONG datatype
- and VARCHAR2 handling
: The VARCHAR2 and VARCHAR datatypes
- LONG datatype
: The LONG datatype
- LOB datatypes and
: LOBs and LONGs
- LONG RAW datatype
: The LONG RAW datatype
- LOB datatypes and
: LOBs and LONGs
- loop index
: 7.3. The Numeric FOR Loop
- with loop scope
: Scope in FOR loops
- naming
: 7.7.1. Naming Loop Indexes
- nontrivial increments
: 7.3.3. Handling Nontrivial Increments
- using REVERSE
: 7.3.1. Rules for Numeric FOR Loops
- LOOP keywords
: (see loops)
- loop scope
: Scope with labels
- loops
: 7. Loops
- cursor FOR
- 1.6.4. The cursor FOR loop
- 7.4. The Cursor FOR Loop
- exiting
: 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
- filling table rows with
: 10.6.2. Iterative Assignment
- FOR loop
- 1.7.1. Write as Little Code as Possible
- 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
- formatting
: 3.3.2. Formatting Loops
- GOTO statements within
: GOTO statements inside a loop
- labels for
: 7.6.1. Loop Labels
- numeric FOR
: 7.3. The Numeric FOR Loop
: 7.2.2. Emulating a REPEAT UNTIL Loop
- RETURN statement within
: RETURN statement
- scope of
: 7.6.2. Loop Scope
- simple
: 7.2. The Simple Loop
- terminating with labels
: Loop termination using labels
: 7.5. The WHILE Loop
- LOWER function
: 11.1.7. The LOWER function
- lowercase
: (see case)
- LPAD function
: 11.1.8. The LPAD function
- LTRIM function
- 11.1.9. The LTRIM function
- 25.4.2. Zen and the Art of PL/SQL Tuning
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